Thursday, November 21, 2013

More from the Floral Congregation Series

Two new jewels in my relatively new "Floral Congregation" series. Thoughts? Comments? Please share, or not, that's fine too.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Floral Congregation #1 20x20 oil on wrapped canvas 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Bigger, better?

Here are two new ones, hot off the press, so to speak. I've been focusing on more "macro" images lately...what do you think, is bigger better?
"Open Embrace" 20x20

"Vivid Generosity" 20x20

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I think I am just now recovering from the holidays. Shew, too much family out of town means too much traveling. Always fun times but also a bit exhausting. Well, now that we are a respectable ways into 2013 I'm working on some new pieces. Been experimenting a bit, trying out some new ideas and techniques. Some are good, we'll see if they stick. 
I realized that I hadn't put up some other beauties that I hadn't shown yet....working on some even newer ones, but until they are done....feast your eyes on these.
Golden Achiever 8x8 oil on canvas

Gloriousness 12x12